Translation Language#

In addition to translating normal text, Plover supports some special formatting operators as well as commands to control the steno engine behavior. This page describes all of these operators and how they are represented in translations.

Most formatting operators and commands are surrounded by curly brackets {}, so when writing literal curly brackets they must be escaped: \{\}.

Spacing & Affixes#

By default, defining a translation with just a word will output that word with spaces on either side. The space is inserted either before or after the translated word, depending on your configuration. The operators in this section control when spaces are entered.


The attach operator removes spaces on either end of a word to allow prefixes and suffixes to be attached to the adjoining word.


Attaches a word to a preceding or succeeding word.


Attaches the suffix to the previous word.

Example: is + {^}n't = isn't


An orthographically-aware attachment, which changes the spelling of the suffix when needed to follow English orthography rules. Where red + {^}ish with a raw attachment would produce redish, red + {^ish} with the ortho-aware attachment would return the expected reddish.


Attaches the prefix to the next word.

Example: re{^} + port = report


Attaches the infix to the words on either side.

Example: day + {^}-to-{^} + day = day-to-day


If the text you are trying to attach is some kind of punctuation, prefer to use the raw attachment versions, e.g. :{^} rather than {:^}, or {^}\} instead of {^\}}.

While attachment is meant primarily for prefixes and suffixes, this can be extended to other operations involving spacing:


Removes the space, so that the next word written is attached to the previous one. Especially useful for compound words that aren’t explicitly defined.

Default outline: TK-LS (”DeLete Space”)

{^ ^}
{:attach: }

Forces a space to be added even when writing the next stroke would result in an attachment. For example, whereas break + fast would result in breakfast, a space can be added in between: break + {^ ^} + fast.

Default outline: S-P (”SPace”)


The glue operator acts like the attach operator above, but only attaches to neighboring glue translations. This is commonly used in numbers and fingerspelling.

Translations containing only digits are implicitly glued, allowing you to output multiple number outlines to make a larger number.


Glues the text.

Retroactive Spacing#

The operators below add or remove spaces between your last stroke and the one before that.

The names of the operators should say “retroactive”, but have remained “retrospective” for backward compatibility.


Adds a space between the last two strokes. For example, if your dictionary contained PER for ‘perfect’, SWAEUGS for ‘situation’ and PER/SWAEUGS for ‘persuasion’, you can force Plover to output ‘perfect situation’ by writing {*?}.

Suggested outline: AFPS (”Add SPaCe”)


Delete the space between the last two strokes. For example, if you wrote ‘basket ball’, you could force them together into ‘basketball’ by writing {*!}.

Suggested outline: TK-FPS (”Delete SPaCe”)


Instead of using the keyboard shortcuts mechanism to press Enter {#return} and Tab {#tab}, neither of which are undoable, escape sequences can be used in definitions.


Sends a newline character. Equivalent of pressing Enter, but undoable.


Sends a tab character. Equivalent of pressing Tab, but undoable.

Spacing Modes#

In addition to outputting the space character between words, Plover can also output other characters, or none at all.


Set the space character to char, which may be a string of multiple characters. To remove spaces altogether, set this to an empty string: {mode:set_space:}.


Reset the space character.

Casing and Capitalization#


Capitalizes the first letter of the next word.

Default outline: KPA (“cap”)


Deletes a space and capitalizes the next word, enabling writing in CamelCase.

Default outline: KPA*


Capitalizes the first letter of the previous word. This is useful in case you realize that a word should be capitalized after you’ve written it. For example, cat + {*-|}{^ville} = Catville.

Suggested outline: KA*PD (“capped”)


Forces the next letter to be lowercase, for example {>}Plover = plover.

Suggested outline: HRO*ER (“lower”)


Rewrites the previous word to start with a lowercase letter, for example Plover{*>} = plover.

Suggested outline: HRO*ERD (“lowered”)


Outputs the next word in all capital letters, for example {<}cat = CAT.

Suggested outline: KPA*L (“cap all”)


Rewrites the previous word in all capital letters, for example cat{*<} = CAT.

Suggested outline: *UPD

Carrying Capitalization#

In English, we have punctuation that doesn’t get capitalized, but instead the next letter gets the capitalization. For example, if you end a sentence in quotes, the next sentence still starts with a capital letter: "You can't eat that!" The baby ate on.

In order to support this, there is a special syntax that will “pass on” or “carry” the capitalized state. You might find this useful with quotes, parentheses, and words like 'til or 'cause.


Carries the capitalization from before the text over to after it. For example, an opening quotation mark can be implemented as {~|"^}.

Casing Modes#

In addition to altering casing for individual words, you can use operators to set a long-running casing mode, such as writing in all-caps or in title case:




Sets Output To Title Case.


sets output to lower case.






Resets output to the normal casing mode.


The main punctuation symbols (., ,, :, ;, ?, !) can be written in brackets to provide automatic spacing and capitalization where necessary:


Inserts a full stop or period, with a space after but not before, and capitalizing the first word after. Short for {^}.{-|}.

Default outline: TP-PL, -FPLT


Inserts a comma, with a space after but not before. Short for {^},.

Default outline: KW-BG, -RBGS


Inserts a question mark, with a space after but not before, and capitalizing the first word after. Short for {^}?{-|}.

Default outline: KW-PL, STPH


Inserts an exclamation mark, with a space after but not before, and capitalizing the first word after. Short for {^}!{-|}.

Default outline: TP-BG, STKPWHR-FPLT


Inserts a colon, with a space after but not before. Short for {^}:.

Default outline: STPH-FPLT


Inserts a semicolon, with a space after but not before. Short for {^};.

Default outline: STPH*FPLT


Plover has an operator to format the last written number as a currency amount. The amount is written with either no decimal places or two, and commas are added every 3 digits.


Retroactively converts the previously written number into a currency amount. The number takes the place of the c in the format specification.

For example, {*($c)} is the standard way of formatting dollars in English; the symbol can also be placed after the c, such as when writing Japanese yen: {*(c円)}.

Lookahead Translation#

Plover also supports conditional translations depending on the following text.


Translates to match_text if the text after this translation matches regex, or no_match_text otherwise. regex is a pattern following Python’s regular expression syntax.

For example, {=[AEIOUaeiou]/an/a} outputs an if the next word starts with a vowel, or a otherwise.

Keyboard Shortcuts#

Plover allows sending arbitrary keyboard shortcuts, for when text output is not sufficient. This is useful for things like application commands.


Sends the keystroke defined by combo, which is a key combination string. Key combination strings are case-insensitive.

Key combination strings are defined as sequences of key names separated by spaces, occasionally with modifiers, for example {#control(z shift(z))} presses Ctrl-Z then Ctrl-Shift-Z.


Keyboard shortcuts are not undoable. When inputting symbols or letters, prefer to use other means such as entering raw symbols or fingerspelling. For example, \n should be used over {#return}.

Key Names#

a, b, c, ...

Press the individual letter keys.

0, 1, 2, ...

Press the individual number keys.

udiaeresis, eacute, ...

Press accented letter keys on international layouts.

All possible keys are defined in the Plover codebase.


When specifying a key by the name of a symbol that would normally be produced by adding the Shift modifier on your keyboard, the Shift key will not be added. For example, {#plus} sends = on a US layout; to send +, you should specify {#shift(plus)} (or, more correctly, {#shift(equal)}).

Modifier Keys#

To specify modifier keys, surround the key sequence with parentheses and precede it with the modifier key name. These can be nested.


Shift key modifier.


Ctrl key modifier.


Alt key modifier, or Option on macOS.


Super key modifier, or Command on macOS and the Windows key on Windows.

Other Formatting Actions#


Undoes the last stroke.

Default outline: *


Sends the last stroke entered. For example, KAT{*+}{*+} translates to cat cat cat. Especially useful for repeated keys, such as navigating around a document.

Suggested outline: #


Toggles the asterisk key on the last stroke entered. For example, KAT{*} will translate as if you wrote KA*T.

Suggested outline: #*


Cancels the formatting of the next word.

Using {} in front of a arrow key commands, as in {}{#Left}, is useful if the arrow key commands are used to move cursor to edit text. Canceling formatting actions for cursor movement prevents Plover from, for instance, capitalizing words in middle of a sentence if cursor is moved back when the last stroke, such as {.}, includes an action to capitalize next word.


Does nothing. This is a null or cancelled outline, which doesn’t affect formatting, doesn’t output anything, and cannot be undone with the asterisk key. It effectively does nothing but show up in logs.

Word Boundaries#

It’s possible to select a different translation for an outline depending on whether the previous word was finished.

Given the dictionary:

  "S": "word",
  "/S": "{prefix^}"

with an initial stroke S, the translation "/S": "{prefix^}" is chosen; unless the previous word is not finished (for example if the previous translation is {con^}), then the translation "S": "word" is chosen.


Explicitly marks a translation as finished.

Control Commands#

The following commands control Plover’s behavior. Some of them are already defined in the base commands.json dictionary; the provided outlines are listed below.

Commands are case-insensitive, so {plover:toggle}, {PLOVER:TOGGLE}, and even {Plover:ToGGlE} all resolve to the same command.


Stops Plover’s output. If you are using a keyboard, you will be able to type normally again; any other machine will not output anything.

Default outline: PHRO*F (”PLover OFF”)


Enables Plover’s output. This command can be executed while the engine is disabled, so it can be written on a keyboard to turn steno mode on as well.

Default outline: PHRO*PB (”PLover ON”)


Toggles between steno output being enabled and disabled.

Default outline: PHROLG (”PLover tOGGLe”)


Opens a translation window where you can enter a stroke and translation text to create a new dictionary entry.

Default outline: TKUPT (”Dictionary UPdaTe”)


Opens a search dialog that you can write a translation into to get a list of outlines in your dictionaries.

Suggested outline: PHR*UP (”PLover lookUP”) or PHRAOBG (”PLover LOOKup”)


Opens and focuses Plover’s suggestions window which will suggest alternative outlines for your most recent outputs.

Suggested outline: PHROGS (”PLover suggesTION”)


Opens and focuses Plover’s configuration window.

Suggested outline: PHROFG (”PLover conFiG”)


Opens and focuses the main Plover window.

Suggested outline: PHROFBGS (”PLover FoCuS”)


Quits Plover.

Suggested outline: PHROBGT (”PLover QuiT”)


Sets Plover configuration options. arg is a comma-separated list of config key-value pairs, for example:

"start_attached": True, "start_capitalized": True

The quotes and colons are mandatory, and the values must be valid Python expressions.

This command also reloads all changed dictionaries. Run this command without arguments to just reload dictionaries without changing any config options.


Plugins may provide some commands, metas, or macros. Consult each plugin’s documentation to find out what type of operator they add, and what arguments they take, if any.


Run the command named command, with the argument if specified. Note that the plover prefix is mandatory; even if it is not a built-in Plover command, the operator name in the translation syntax still starts with plover:.


Run the meta named meta, with the argument if specified.


Run the macro named macro, with the argument if specified.