plover.key_combo – Key codes#

This module provides utility functions for translating key combination descriptions as written in translations, as well as mappings between Unicode symbols and logical key names.

A key combo is specified as a sequence of keys, separated by spaces, some of which may be surrounded by parentheses and preceded by a modifier key. Key combos are case-insensitive. For example, the following key combo:

a ctrl_l(z shift(z))

is equivalent to pressing A, then Ctrl+Z, then Ctrl+Shift+Z.

plover.key_combo.KEYNAME_TO_CHAR: Dict[str, str]#

A dictionary mapping logical key names to Unicode characters they represent. The logical key names are derived from X11 keysym names. This mapping does not include modifiers.

plover.key_combo.CHAR_TO_KEYNAME: Dict[str, str]#

The reverse of KEYNAME_TO_CHAR: a dictionary mapping Unicode characters to the logical key names that would produce them when pressed.

The two functions below will also be useful to implementors of keyboard emulation for new platforms:

plover.key_combo.parse_key_combo(combo_string[, key_name_to_key_code=None]) List[Tuple[Any, bool]]#

Converts combo_string, representing a key combination or series of key combinations, to a list of key events to be emulated. Each key event is a tuple containing a key code and a boolean value indicating whether the key is to be pressed (True) or released (False).

Pass a function to key_name_to_key_code to specify the mapping of key names to key codes as appropriate for your platform; otherwise, the default is to return the name as is.


Adds aliases for modifier keys to the specified dictionary, which is a mapping of key names to key codes.

Typically one would define the key codes for control_l, shift_l, super_l and alt_l in the dictionary and use this function to add aliases for the remaining variants (such as alt and option as aliases of alt_l).