plover.resource – Resources#

This module contains utility functions for accessing resources. All of these functions involve the use of asset paths; see Asset Paths below for more information.


Return True if the resource with the given file name or asset path exists, False otherwise.


If resource_name is an asset path, return the file name of the resource it refers to; return the file name as is otherwise.


Return the last modified time of the resource with the given file name or asset path.


A context manager to update the contents of the resource with the given file name or asset path. The context manager provides as a value the name of a temporary file that the caller may write to. When the context manager exits, the file is written to the original resource file.

This allows you to update the resource without destroying the existing contents if it fails.

with resource_update(foo) as temp_filename:
  with open(temp_filename, mode="w") as temp_file:
    # Do things with `temp_file`

Asset Paths#

Plover uses asset paths to find resources within both the base Plover distribution as well as plugins. Asset paths have the format:


For example, the default word list, called main.json in the plover package, uses this asset path:
